09 – What’s happening in Agribusiness
Where the jobs are, and other useful things to know and do for all the employers, contractors and job seekers in the Spinifex community

Source: https://www.raconteur.net/sustainability/top-5-tech-innovations-in-agriculture
Innovation in the agriculture sector is driving demand for diverse skills, particularly during this time when food security is more vital than ever. This is one of the topics we’ve been hearing conversations about over the last week, along with:
Where the jobs are
A green light for Snowy Hydro 2.0
Where the jobs are
Over the past week, we’ve listed a number of job opportunities in the following sectors and locations across NSW. Around 37% of those jobs are in the Transport, Postal & Warehousing and Professional, Scientific & Technical sectors.

Braidwood | Mudgee |
Canberra | Northern Rivers region |
Cootamundra | Orange |
Dubbo | Parkes |
Forbes | Sydney – South |
Goulburn | Wagga Wagga |
Kempsey | Young |
For more information, take a look at our current job opportunities https://spinifexrecruiting.com.au/jobs.php
Also check out the Australian Government Jobs Hub https://www.dese.gov.au/covid-19/jobs-hub
Risks and opportunities in the agribusiness and food sector
Anna Brown, our Agribusiness specialist in Bathurst, takes us on a drive from paddock to plate to share how research and innovation in this sector is shaping employment opportunities.

Anna is seeing strong levels of research and innovation in agriculture, which she believes will help see the industry through challenging times.
She explains: “United Nations expects that, by 2050, the world’s food demands will have increased by around 70% since 2007.
“It’s not just about what we eat. It’s also about what we drink, what we wear and a range of by-products, such as ethanol, we use in other industries.
“So, there’s a lot to thank our farmers for, on land and on sea. Particularly, during this time when their productivity is ensuring a level of food security for everyone.”
“Straight on from the effects of bush fires and drought, farmers are now hit with the economic effects of COVID, such as disrupted supply chains, global trade impacts and workforce management during a time of distancing and isolation.
“This is not an easy time for the agricultural sector; and I believe we are yet to see the full effect of export market volatility.
“But I’m also seeing agribusiness owners and operators reap the rewards of research and innovation over the past decade, which is helping them recover faster and pivot to meet market conditions.”
Examples of research and innovation in primary industries:
Aquaculture and marine biology https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/aquaculture/starting-up/innovation
Digital soil mapping https://aclep.csiro.au/aclep/soilandlandscapegrid/
Indoor vegetable farming https://www.hydroproduce.com.au/our-story/
Aquaponic farming https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2019-04-24/aquaponic-system-supplies-local-hotel-with-fish-and-fresh-vegies/11033456
Harvesting solar power to desalinise water https://reneweconomy.com.au/unsw-looks-to-solar-powered-desalination-to-help-bust-droughts-josh-39604/
Animal genetics https://www.une.edu.au/research/research-centres-institutes/agbu-animal-genetics-and-breeding-unit
Robots and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to track and manage risks such as stock, soil, water, security and improve decision making https://online.rmit.edu.au/blog/5-amazing-australian-innovations-robots-and-ai
Natural sequence farming to regenerate water and soil systems https://themullooninstitute.org
Livestock, crop, soil and water monitoring software
Processing technology https://www.csiro.au/en/Research/Farming-food/Producing-food
Data science to enable improved decision making https://www.crdc.com.au/precision-to-decision
Anna says adoption of innovation in agriculture is reflected in the skills employers are seeking.
“There are still the traditional career paths, such as from Stationhand to Overseer. But employers are also looking for education, either at TAFE or University, and the ability to drive a spreadsheet and understand the business from paddock to plate.
“This means that, as recruiters in this sector, we have to be smart at leveraging all communication networks and channels to find the right applicant. Because we’re not just looking for traditional station hands and managers anymore, we’re also looking for scientists, researchers, data managers, system designers, marketers … and the list goes on.
“I love surprising people, particularly younger people who have skills more traditionally associated with city jobs, with roles in agriculture they might not have thought about.
“The fundamentals of farming, be it on land or sea, won’t change. Nothing replaces the knowledge accumulated over generations of working with the land with nature. Nothing replaces the instinct you hone getting your hands dirty. Nothing replaces the out-of-the-box thinking and problem solving farmers have to do every day.
“But research and innovations in technology can help with decision making, risk management and growth.
“And it can attract a whole new breed of worker to help the industry progress and tackle challenges such as the digital black spots, water security, soil erosion and commercialisation of ideas.”
For more information on science, research and innovation in the agriculture and food sector:
Australian Government https://www.agriculture.gov.au/ag-farm-food/innovation
NSW Government https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/content/research/overview + https://www.innovation.nsw.gov.au/whats-happening/fast-tracking-agri-tech
For help navigating COVID environment such as managing workforce and health & wellbeing:
Australian Government https://www.agriculture.gov.au/coronavirus
NSW Government https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/home/covid-19
Rural Assistance Authority https://www.raa.nsw.gov.au
A green light for Snowy Hydro 2.0
Great news for the region and the state!
In approving the project, the NSW government described it as Australia’s biggest energy storage project which would inject $4.6 billion into regional NSW and create up to 2,000 jobs during its peak and around 5,000 jobs altogether.
Whilst there are some environmental concerns, there’s no doubt this is an economic and morale boost for the region.
Our group manager, Damien O’Donnell, spoke to ABC Riverina’s Sally Bryant about what this means for employers and job seekers. (Listen from 39 minutes in here https://www.abc.net.au/radio/riverina/programs/breakfast/breakfast/12255250)
He sees this as a huge opportunity: “It’s great to see new jobs being created.
“We expect to see a mix of experience needed. From skilled construction operators such as drillers, shotcreters, steel workers, graders, electricians and truck drivers to opportunities for trainees to get experience which will set them up for a lifelong career.
“And then there are support jobs. People will be needed to sustain a workforce this size. Cooks, cleaners, bus drivers, maintenance, boiler makers, mechanics, even personal trainers and health professionals.
“Finally, the flow-on for local businesses from accommodation to restaurants and retail.
“I expect to see many of these jobs sourced locally. We don’t know how many, but there are plenty of skilled and keen job seekers in local towns such as Cooma, Tumut, Tumbarumba, Wagga, Albury etcetera.
“We also know people who will move to the region for the work.
“It’s just what Australia wants and needs at the moment. Big bold projects with opportunities on the ground.”
Next week, we’ll take a look at the public service.
Until then, stay safe.
Scott C Small | Victoria Bila |
Managing Director | Group Manager – Operations |
| |
Andrew Egan | Damien O’Donnell |
Group Manager – Regional Operations | Group Manager – Regional & Executive |
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